Leah Higgins

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Simply Screen Printing - Gallery of Fabrics

My new online workshop is now fully uploaded and includes 29 hours of videos along with detailed notes. I printed a lot of fabric whilst creating the workshop and have put most of them into a gallery which you can find here. Some pieces were printed multiple times to create layers of line, shape and colour. There are some rather lovely pieces but I might be a bit biased!

As well as videos and notes I run monthly Zoom meetings and provide further support via a private Facebook group and email. You can find out more about the workshop (and sign up anytime) here.

I started my 2024 ‘teaching season’ at the beginning of April by teaching my 2 day Simply Screen Printing workshop followed by my 5 day extended Simply Screen Printing workshop. It was really nice having students back in the studio and seeing how differently they all worked. Different inspirations, different colours, some seeking strong pattern and shape, others exploring techniques that create more texture and fine mark. And yes, we did some breakdown printing! I’m on an extended family holiday for the next few weeks then it is all steam ahead …. teaching, printing fabrics for Festival of Quilts, more teaching, admin, more teaching until the season ends in mid-October. And I have a little lie down!

In case you haven’t seen it yet my solo exhibition Beneath Our Feet runs until Sunday 5th May at Salford Museum and Art Gallery. I gave my final talk there last Saturday. It was a remembering session based on my coal mining panels and it was wonderful to hear from an ex-miner and mine engineer as well as from people who had personal links to mining. The response to the exhibition has been overwhelming, humbling and, at the same time, empowering. An honour.