Getting organised

5 Nov 2020.jpg

Thank you to everyone who has been placing orders for my new book and other ‘stuff’ via my website. The response to Colour Your Palette has been rather overwhelming and very much appreciated. The books are ‘in production’ and due to be delivered to me on Tuesday (10th). I aim, with the help of son Joe, to get everything shipped within 3 days. Which has meant getting organised.

I do like getting organised so this has been a real treat! I have set up piles of ‘book only’ orders by destination and postage type. And I have been putting together the orders for those of you who have ordered fabric, dyes etc along with your book. These are also organised by destination and postage type. I’ve ordered and received the packaging that will be needed. And Joe has created storage space for the 50+ boxes of books that will arrive on Tuesday.

We have worked out a system for checking books and packing them. I’m in charge of shipping labels and order confirmations. Joe is in charge of taking parcels to the post office. Call me weird but I love stuff like this! (I suspect Joe might not love it quite as much as he is doing all the heavy lifting!).

And whilst I wait for Tuesday I’ve been taking time out to ‘recharge my batteries’. After shipping out all the books I want to get back to ‘making’. I’ve done plenty of printing, dyeing and playing for the book but it is 6 months since I worked on my art. Six months since I sat at my sewing machine. Far too long!

Stay well,

Leah x