Strength in Community

5 May 2020.jpg

I have been completely overwhelmed by the response to the post I wrote on Sunday. Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their feelings and thoughts via the blog, Facebook and by email. I don’t think I have ever had such a response to a post. It warmed my heart and, yes, it made me cry. It also made me sad that all but a couple were feeling the same as me . We are in an emotional mess that is exhausting. But the message from everyone was to know that I am not alone, to stop feeling guilty, to accept that I am not wonder woman (who knew?) and to just roll with it.

I have seen it written that we will bounce back from this stronger. I think it will take all of our personal and collective strength to get through these awful times. When we emerge from the physical threat the majority of us will be mentally fragile and will need to continue to support each other. I am grateful for the virtual support you are giving me today but, my goodness, do I look forward to the day when I can give you all a great big hug!

With love, Leah x