Flamin' Nora

19 September 2021 3.jpg

…. is the working title of the quilt I’ve been working on over the last week or so. It is a new piece in my Cadence series and will probably be titled Cadence 8 once it is finished. It is a piece inspired by those days when my carefully constructed oasis of calm, steady creativity is disrupted by unexpected but often petty interruptions (must remember to lock the studio door from the inside / turn off my phones), by stuff not working properly (I swear that my beloved sewing machine knows when to irritate me!) and by life just getting in the way. The type of day when I might say something a bit stronger than flamin’ nora.

I’m guessing you know what I mean …..

And so this quilt. It has the same main elements as Cadence 7 but instead of a calm, narrow band of colour running along the centre it is interrupted by a spiky band of colour that is the focal point of the quilt. It is a long way from finished but I thought that I’d share a few work in progress photos.

Although I’ve been enjoying some gaps between workshops this month my October and November are crazy busy. Which means that it will be December before I can finish the quilt. Which is frustrating as ideas for Cadence 9 are already forming in my head. But that’s life!

19 September 2021 1.jpg
19 September 2021 4.jpg
19 September 2021 2.jpg