Update from Urban Studio North ... and it is a positive one!

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Many of you will know that I closed the studio a couple of weeks ago when local Covid-19 restrictions were introduced restricting access to peoples homes and gardens covering the area I live in. Although we are in an area with a relatively low and decreasing infection rate not all areas in Greater Manchester are so fortunate so the local lockdown remains in place. HOWEVER …. the government published revised guidance on the 14th August detailing the list of circumstances under which people may enter your family home or garden. Second on the list is ‘for the purposes of education or training’. I contacted my local councillor over the weekend just to be absolutely sure and he has confirmed that bringing students into the studio and garden is allowed!

Phew! I was getting increasingly upset that we might be in and out of lockdown throughout the autumn and winter, that I wouldn’t know if I was coming or going and whether it wouldn’t just be easier not to try to teach. Of course the situation could get far worse and we could end up back in full lockdown with travel restrictions in place. And I appreciate that some students who don’t live locally might not want to travel into the area. But for now I am enjoying some positive news!

The next workshop I run will be my five day Breakdown Your Palette workshop on Monday 31st August to Friday 4th September. This week was rescheduled at short notice so there are a couple of places available. If you are interested you can find more details here.

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And the positivity doesn’t stop there …. today we are starting a new build. In order to work in a Covid-19 safe way in the studio we need to keep the doors open allowing lots of air flow. Not a problem on dry, mild days but winter is coming. My favourite builders, son Joe (Bodger) and father in law Bernard (Badger), have a plan! Over the next couple of weeks they are adding a porch to the studio. It will have an opening at the front to allow air flow but will stop the rain getting in and, hopefully, stop the heat getting out. I have been doing my bit by giving the timbers a coat of primer and undercoat. Their aim is to build something that fits with the rest of the studio front. My aim is to try to keep calm and carry on working on the book ….

I’ll post an update soon!

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